Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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6556 Edsall Rd, Alexandria VA 22312 Listed For Sale

Alexandria Area Real Estate Pieces of Info

22312 is a good neighborhood to look for a home in the area for close to $1,400,000. We constantly update our image library to current with the latest real estate developments in 22312. Actually, many shoppers might be surprised by what this place of residence can provide. Continue reading
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5218 Clinton Rd, Alexandria VA 22312 Listed

How Much Is A $1,299,900 Detached Home In 22312 in Alexandria?

5,159 Sqft of Living Space in 22312 in Fairfax County For $1,299,900?

5218 Clinton Rd, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is listed for $1,299,900. Thus, you may want to contemplate this detached home (depending upon your budget). Nevertheless, compare this to the average square feet (1,862) of properties in the Alexandria area to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading
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5229 Mitchell St, Alexandria VA 22312 Listed

What Can I Buy In Alexandria, Virginia For $750,000?

Nearly all home buyers are prepared to juggle priorities on just about everything . . . except price. 5229 Mitchell St will set you back $749,900 if you want to buy in 22312. Depending upon your pre-approved price limit, you may want to ponder 5229 Mitchell St, Alexandria VA which is listed for sale for $749,900. Continue reading
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5229 Mitchell St, Alexandria VA 22312 Listed For Sale

Important Real Estate Considerations About 5229 Mitchell St in 22312 in Fairfax County

Do you worry about purchasing real estate like 5229 Mitchell St in 22312? Indeed, you could buy a property that needs repairs which you simply can't afford. But, Monika Ortiz can help you to buy a home warranty to reduce the risk you'll be facing. Of course, there are many dangers to avoid and overcome. On the other hand, a real estate professional comparable to Monika Ortiz has the answers and can help reduce your trouble from the buying process. Continue reading
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