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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #215, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

Basic Data Regarding in The City of Alexandria Virginia 22304 ↔ $315,000

Well ... is 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #215 the dream property for you? It could be. Nevertheless, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $315,000? Is it actually worth $351,000 or $249,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $1,128 on this purchase of real estate? Are you seeking an affordable home in 22304? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Talk to Julie Nesbitt to learn more from your ace on 22304 in Alexandria real estate. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #215, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1414, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

How Much Is A 3-BR 2 BA Condo In 22304?

So, is 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1414 the ideal condo for you? Perhaps. Can you afford $310,000? Is it actually worth $351,000 or $249,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $1,096 on this next residence? Are you looking for a $310,000 3-bedroom condo in 22304 in Alexandria? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? If you have questions about 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1414, or the real estate market in 22304 in Alexandria, contact Nesbitt Realty today. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1414, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed For Sale

What Can I Buy In Alexandria, Virginia For $200,000?

The majority of home shoppers are prepared to juggle priorities on just about everything . . . except price. This home is selling for $207,900. If you've set your budget around $200,000 and you're looking in Alexandria you may want to call Nesbitt Realty to learn more about 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed For Sale"
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How Much For 2 Bedrooms In 22304 In Alexandria?

This 2 bedroom in Pavilion On the Park home is listed for $245,000. Photo of 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #419 You have several choices when securing a purchase on a residential property: a traditional single-family home, a townhouse, a condo, or a multi-family building with two to four units. If you're looking for a $245,000 Other-style place in 22304 in Alexandria, then 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #419 might be for you.Whatever you do, don't try to go it alone without professional help. Attaining a place in 22304 in the City of Alexandria is not as easy as it looks. Continue reading "How Much For 2 Bedrooms In 22304 In Alexandria?"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1207, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Basic Data Regarding in the NOVA region 22304 ⁞ $200,000

How Much Does A 849 Sqft} Condo Like 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1207 Cost In 22304 in the City of Alexandria?

Stuart Nesbitt tells us that 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1207, Alexandria VA is a budget small opportunity at $185,000. Above all, the average living area of condos in Pavilion On the Park is 996 sqft. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1207, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

How Much Do Budget Condos Cost At Pavilion On the Park in 22304?

Acquiring real estate comparable to 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819 is Maybe the largest monetary expense most residents of the City of Alexandria will ever make. What is more, as a devoted and faithful Realtor, Stuart Nesbitt will be a strong champion who grasps the informational and emotional backing that purchasers need when identifying and acquiring a home in 22304 in Alexandria. What is more, there are other pitfalls which can be challenging to overcome.  On the other hand, a real estate professional like Stuart can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a home in 22304 in Alexandria. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #819, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #502, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale

Alexandria Virginia Listed -|- $224,999

Buying a condo like 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #502 for most Americans is the single biggest purchase most residents of Alexandria, Virginia will ever make. Further, as a fine real estate expert, Stuart Nesbitt is a property seeker's protector who understands the sympathetic and explanatory backing that buyers need when searching for and acquiring a place of residence like 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #502 in 22304 in Alexandria. Of course, there are many pitfalls to avoid and overcome. But, a real estate professional like Stuart Nesbitt has the answers and can help reduce your hassle from the buying process. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #502, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale"
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Nesbitt Realty Can Sell Your Home At Pavilion On The Park Fast And For The Best Price

Prices and Photos Of Residences Recently Sold At Pavilion On the Park

What is your home at Pavilion On the Park actually worth? Will Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your condo in Alexandria for free.
Will Nesbitt
Will Nesbitt
Reach out to Will Nesbitt to learn more about his plan to market your condo. He is also happy to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your home's market value.

Did you know that in at Pavilion On the Park:

Continue reading "Nesbitt Realty Can Sell Your Home At Pavilion On The Park Fast And For The Best Price"

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