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4607 King Duncan Rd, Alexandria VA 22312 Listed For Sale

Info Regarding in Fairfax County Virginia 22312 || $659,000

4607 King Duncan Rd is an amazing residence in Alexandria, Nevertheless it's not for every buyer. There are an almost unlimited number of variables in play.

To get the home you want, firstly you need to know what you want and what you can afford.

Do you have specific paint colors? Or, do you want to paint and pick your own colors? How important is it that you stay in 22312? Have you considered neighboring areas? How much can you afford? Does your pre-approved price limit have any room to move up or down? Continue reading
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6611 Jupiter Hills Cir #I, Alexandria VA 22312 For Sale

Special Place $399,900 -- Alexandria VA 22312

Seeking 1,402 Sqft In 22312?

Nesbitt Realty & Management informs us that, depending upon your budget, you might want to mull over this residence at 6611 Jupiter Hills Cir #I which is for sale $399,900. Above all, consider that the average living area of condos in the Alexandria area is 1,786. Continue reading
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Andrew Patton Can Sell Your Interior Unit Townhouse At Pinecrest Fast And For The Best Price

Recently Sold Homes In 22312 in Fairfax County

What's your home in Fairfax County at Pinecrest worth? Andrew Patton can help you find the market value of your real estate in 22312 for free. Are you thinking about selling your interior unit townhouse at Pinecrest? If so, it's sensible to investigate what properties near your home are asking and what has recently sold. Further, sold places can give a home seller an idea what the seller's own home will fetch. Talk to Andrew Patton to discover his plan to market your interior unit townhouse. He is eager to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your interior unit townhouse's market value.

Did you know that in at Pinecrest:

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6559 Medinah Ln, Alexandria VA 22312 For Sale

Real Estate Bits of Information In The Alexandria Area

So, is 6559 Medinah Ln the end unit townhouse for you? It could be. But even so, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $625,000? Is it actually worth $701,000 or $599,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,523 on this purchase of real estate? Are you searching for a 3-bedroom property in 22312 in Fairfax County? Do you need 3 full baths and 1 half baths? Contact Monika Ortiz to learn more from your ace on 22312 real estate. Continue reading
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How Much Your Residence At Pinecrest Will Sell For?

Data About End Unit Townhouses That Have Sold At Pinecrest

What's your home at Pinecrest exactly worth? Andrew Patton can help you find the market value of your residence in Fairfax County for free. Photo of 6559 Medinah Ln When the time comes to move your property at Pinecrest, it's recommended to investigate what places have sold at Pinecrest. That can give an end unit townhouse seller a starting point for determining your 3-bedroom Colonial-style home's value. Below, we're going to investigate specific end unit townhouses available and homes that have recently sold.

Did you know that in at Pinecrest:

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4420 Park Rd, Alexandria Real Estate Update

What Can I Invest in In 22312 For $1,300,000?

All buyers have a list of wishes, wants and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the purchaser's pre-approved price limit. 4420 Park Rd is in Alexandria and has been for sale for 10 days. This detached home has 2,200 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $1,295,000. Andrew Patton tells us at a price of $1,295,000, 4420 Park Rd, Alexandria VA is fascinating to really consider. Continue reading
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6512 Gretna Green Way, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Looking at Residences At Pinecrest? Ponder This Detached Home.

When you're starting your search for a new detached home, one of the first things to establish is your buying budget. This real property is listed for sale for $849,500. If you're planning to pay close to $850,000 and you're investigating places in Alexandria, but you don't know Pinecrest you'll definitely want to contact Julie Nesbitt to learn more about 6512 Gretna Green Way. Continue reading
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Locating An Entry-level Interior Unit Townhouse In 22312 In 22312 In Fairfax County

Of course, you can find an entry-level interior unit townhouse in 22312 in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of entry-level residences in 22312 in Alexandria. Possibly one of them is the best choice of interior unit townhouse for you. If it's not 6519 River Tweed Ln, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Will Nesbitt can provide more information about 6519 River Tweed Ln and provide a tour for qualified buyers. Reach out to Will Nesbitt to learn more. Continue reading

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