Category: Seminary Walk
49 Skyhill Rd #104, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch
What Can I Acquire In 22314 For $350,000?
It’s a good idea to learn all you can about real estate in the area near and inside the Beltway when you’re contemplating buying a new condo such as 49 Skyhill Rd #104.The 22314 Area Considerations
- The average days on market in the 22314 area is 46 days.
- The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,504 sqft. Nevertheless, 49 Skyhill Rd #104 has 1,158 sqft of living area.
- The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $323 . Conversely, 49 Skyhill Rd #104 is $298 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
- 801 N Pitt St N #206 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 801 N Pitt St N #206 is listed for $240,000. But, 210 Duke St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 210 Duke St is asking $4,985,000.
- The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 38 years. 49 Skyhill Rd #104 is 64 years old.
205 Skyhill Rd #9, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed
Find A 2 Bedroom Residence in the Alexandria Area For $375,000
205 Skyhill Rd #9, Alexandria is a mid 20th-century condo for buyers looking to spend around $375,000 for 2 bedrooms. This striking condo listed at 205 Skyhill Rd #9 is something to mull over for someone. In addition, many buyer clients will be astonished by what this home can provide. Continue reading204 Skyhill Rd #10, Alexandria VA 22314 On The Market
What Are Condos Like At Seminary Walk In Alexandria, Virginia?
204 Skyhill Rd #10 is a great condo, But it's not for every buyer. As a buyer client, you have a lot of choices to make about what's important to you.When you're making your list of priorities, have you thought about:
What style of condo do you prefer? If you like contemporary condos, you'll love the community around 204 Skyhill Rd #10. How much can you afford? Does your pre-approved price limit have any room to move up or down? Do you need to think about resale value? Do you know what homes have sold for in this area? Here's what has Recently sold at Seminary Walk. Continue readingInteresting Listings For Purchasers Shopping For A Modest Condo In The City Of Alexandria
As might be expected, you can find a modest condo in the City of Alexandria in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of affordable condos in 22314 in the City of Alexandria.
Possibly one of them is the right property for you. If it's not 205 Skyhill Rd #2, then it might be one of the properties listed below. To view this 1,197 sqft property contact buyers agent Nesbitt Realty. We can help you with any 1,197 sqft home listed for sale in 22314 in Alexandria.
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Profile And Elements About Seminary Walk

205 Skyhill Rd #3, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed
Conspicuous $334,000 // Alexandria VA 22314
How Much Does 862 Sqft Of Residence In 22314 in Alexandria Cost?
Julie Nesbitt tells us at a price of $334,000, 205 Skyhill Rd #3, Alexandria VA is engaging to mull over. Still, consider that the average living area of homes in the Alexandria area is 1,453. Continue readingPursuing A 3 Bedroom Property For About $400,000
Do you want to buy a 3 bedroom property for about $400,000? There are only a limited number of mid-sized condos in Alexandria right now. 204 Skyhill #1 is one of of those selections, Will Nesbitt can help you find the ideal home for you.
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Surprising Information About Selling Your Home At Seminary Walk
Mid 20th-Century Condos That Have Sold At Seminary Walk
What is your home in the City of Alexandria at Seminary Walk really worth? Nesbitt Realty can help you find the market value of your residence in the Alexandria area for free.